Have a Holly Jolly Christmas

Oh by golly,

This fog is as thick as peanut butter


I couldn’t wait to unleash the holiday TV magic on my grandkids this year!

First in line, drumroll, please: It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. As a kid, I’d always channel my inner Lucy. I mean, who wouldn’t want to own a psychiatric stand? And the bossy vibes? Totally my jam.

Channeling my inner Lucy.

But, uh-oh, I hate to report we barely survived the show. These young whippersnappers need a PhD in impressive to be impressed.

Next up, a post-Thanksgiving tradition from my childhood – The Wizard of Oz. The witch was terrifying, and those flying monkeys? Yikes! If I had to pick a character, it was Glinda, purely for her fabulous dress and her boss status. Lulu, my 5-year-old, boldly declared she wasn't scared of the Lizard of Oz. If the wizard were a lizard... I’d still be having nightmares.

The dress I longed for.

Fast forward to Christmas, the season of a gazillion delightful movies. Frosty the Snowman, Charlie Brown’s Christmas, The Christmas Story, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas– the one with the Dr. Seuss book vibes, not the full-blown movie. Much better, trust me.

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer was high on my list. I identified with Hermey the Elf, who wanted to be a dentist. Not because I'm into dentistry or toy making, but Hermey was the main character, and I'm all about the starring role. Bossy, in charge, the star? Guilty as charged.

Was it really in black and white?

Perhaps Hermey grew on me because in the end he followed his path. My motto- Find something you are passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it. Plus, your passion could turn an abdominal monster into a docile friend to all.

Now, watching Rudolph for the 100 millionth time and as an adult, I've developed an interest in Yukon Cornelius. I realized he is by far the coolest of all Christmas movie stars. And the unsung hero, of this 1964 stop-motion wonder.

Hold up – stop motion? Can we talk about how it's like taking forever to create? Not a role I'd sign up for.

Plus Yukon’s sled was pulled by a team of dogs, consisting of a poodle, a Cocker Spaniel, a Saint Bernard, a dachshund, and a collie.


The team.

Yukon Cornelius is an independent, eccentric explorer who is always in search of valuable minerals, especially silver and gold.

Key Burl Ives singing— “Silver and gold, silver and gold. Everyone wishes for silver and gold.”

Everyone wishes for silver and gold.

As mentioned, Yukon is busy making a living as a prospector but stops to take in and protect two rejected misfits wandering around in the cold. That’s Hermey and Rudolph. I won't bore you with Rudolph's red-nosed drama; let's just say his nose isn't the only thing shining bright in this tale.

But if you recall, Rudolph and Hermey are so out of their element all alone, terrified they dive headfirst into a snowbank like ostriches in the sand. And Yukon literally saves their butts.

Yukon Cornelius is on the run from—or maybe to [not sure here]— The Abominable Snowman, and they all pile on the sled, loaded down with gunpowder, ham hocks, and guitar strings.

Okay, didn’t know that. Weird.

Having Yukon Cornelius join the adventure really plays a vital role in Rudolph and Hermey's journey. First, his quest for silver and gold is humorous and quirky, which makes Yukon quite charming. And even though there’s a monster out there, he keeps things light. Because who wouldn't crack a joke while running from an Abominable Snowman? Yukon knows how to keep it cool.

Finding his sled immersed in fog, he exclaims, “This fog's as thick as peanut butter!" That’s crazy. The comparison of fog to peanut butter is exaggerated and absurd. Hmm, I might love Yukon because I tend to exaggerate. I have a hard time not going theatrically overboard when describing something. See above how many times I’ve watched Rudolph. Despite Yukon’s gruff exterior, he is friendly and good-hearted. Did I mention I am plagued with RBF? It’s not life-threatening; in fact, some of you may have the same syndrome. Text me if you wanna talk. I am finding Yukon Cornelius somewhat of a kindred spirit. RBF and all.

A true prospector’s taste test.

Then there’s that ax-licking. Nope, never licked an ax. Yukon Cornelius throws his ax in the ground and then licks the end to determine if he struck gold or silver or, was it something else? A true prospector’s taste test. Who needs a geologist when you have a tongue of steel?

He was determined to strike it rich! Even in difficult situations and was ready to reinvent or change gears but stay the path. Hmmm how many times have I opened a specialty food store? Hint: the answer is 4 times. Clearly, I'm the Yukon Cornelius of specialty foods.

Bumble before his dentist appointment.

The first encounter with the Abominable Snow Monster occurs when the crew is traveling through the mountains. They run into Bumble [that’s the monster’s name] while seeking refuge from a storm. Scary, but they come out ok. Like a suspenseful scene in a Christmas blockbuster, but with more cuteness and fewer explosions.

After Rudolph, Hermey, and Yukon Cornelius escape from Bumble in the mountains, they eventually end up on the Island of Misfit Toys. However, Bumble follows them and causes all sorts of trouble on the island. But guess what? My buddy Yukon Cornelius has a change of heart and decides to help the Bumble, realizing that the creature may not be as mean as they thought. He may just have a toothache. Who knew the Abominable Snowman just needed a good dentist?

Who knew the Abominable Snowman just needed a good dentist?

Christmas magic reaches its pinnacle when Hermey, the self-taught dentist, extracts Bumble's teeth. Suddenly, Bumble is the protector of the Misfit Toys. Santa swoops in, promises homes, and it's the holiday dream. Christmas magic at its finest.

But does Yukon Cornelius find his riches? He does.

I guess there’s some controversy of a scene being deleted. Because do we all know this fact? Even though we all, and that includes Hermey and Rudolph, believe Yukon is looking for silver and gold… as Santa flies off the island, Yukon excitedly throws his ax up in the air, and when it lands, he licks it and exclaims, “Peppermint! What I've been searching for all my life! I've struck it rich! I've got me a peppermint mine!” So Bumble and Yukon settle into island life and peppermint.

Deleted scene?

Like Yukon Cornelius I’m not after silver and gold. Actually not peppermint either. I’m on the hunt for something tasty now and again. No, lying here. Something tasty ALL the time. I’m looking for fun conversation with lots of laughs and sharing it all with everyone that walks into my shop. That’s my gold, silver, or peppermint mine.

May your holidays be filled with peppermint sticks, laughter, and more surprises than a toothless Abdominal Monster! After all, in the grand adventure of life, sometimes it's the unexpected twists that make the sweetest moments. Wishing you a season as delightful and full of wonder as aYukon Cornelius revelation – who knew peppermint could be so precious?

Merry Christmas


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