Tales of the Unexpected

and uneaten


Remember that last snow we had in April? That final one, when it should be spring? It was literally only about 6 weeks ago.

Logically we know it will melt fast. But it's always so depressing. 

It was even more depressing for my 39-week pregnant daughter. This snow was ruining everything. It was ruining the baby’s going home outfit, the blanket she was crocheting, the flip flops she bought to go home in, in case her feet were swollen. 

This snow was becoming as bad as sciatica pain.

Feeling bad for her, I said, cool as a cucumber, like I had such an amazing idea.”Let's get out of town." "Let's head somewhere close by that is interesting and just might have something to do. Winona. Winona is a college town, and Winona Rider was born there", I reasoned. Plus, my friend Don had told me about a little Italian bakery, lunch spot, Cafe Sapori di Sicilia I needed to visit. I told her we could stop there, and maybe they would have something vegan. She's vegan. 

This is cool in more than one way!

Off we went, down I 90, heading east to Winona. It was a bit slick but not too bad. 

We stopped at a coffee shop to make a plan and to hit up the bathroom.

She's 39 weeks pregnant. 

A quick Google told us NOTHING was open Mondays. Including Sapori's. No fun little boutique, not a gift shop, and certainly not a vegan restaurant. Mondays' are the new Sunday. EVERYONE is closed. 

I guess I am too. 

Sipping our coffee, we noticed a shop across the street. The name seemed promising, Grace Place. But it ended up it was a thrift store. I'm not opposed to a thrift store, but it was pretty small. A few glances around was all we needed, but it also was one of those predicaments where you examined things much closer than necessary. 

something is OPEN!

We left and drove around the block. 

Closed Mondays, Closed Mondays. We googled a second time just to make sure.  

Winona was a bust. 

OK, now what? 

LaCrosse is only about 1/2 hour away. It was still close to Rochester, just in case…

Cooler heads will prevail. We set off for LaCrosse. Also a college town, we reasoned.

LaCrosse welcomed us.

Once in LaCrosse, we needed to find lunch and a bathroom. We opted for another coffee shop. It was only O-K. We found it startling that you could add booze to your smoothie. Could you take it to go? We were in Wisconsin… 

After lunch, we set off to a shop just up the street. If the Winona thrift shop was not in my price bracket, this one was not either. In fact, it was the exact opposite. Even the big sale items were above what I would typically spend. However, we did find, of all things, cute paper napkins.

Aha! Boutique ahead! 

I happily declared we were on the right shopping path.  

Except I was finding out the grandma/salesperson/owner, might actually be a wolf in disguise. She was ready to jump on me and argue with all my reasons for not liking what I tried on. I came from the dressing room in very wide-leg, full-print crops. I felt and looked like a clown. She declared they were very popular.

Grandmother, what big eye you have.


I found a couple of sweaters and wanted to purchase the pants she had displayed with them. I also grabbed the cute necklace on her display and set it up on the counter. What a fun outfit I would end up with! I was excited. Sadly, the pants were not available in my size. But no fear, she found some jeans. I tried on a pair. I was worried they were a bit baggy, and since they had some spandex, I would not like them in a few hours. She agreed and went off to find a smaller size. No luck. So, she suggested getting the pair that was too big and just shrinking them!

She then said I should have them tailored. I was getting nowhere trying to explain my issues with that. First, I didn't want to do that. Second, I don't know of any tailors. She would have none of that. Dry cleaners can tailor, she declared. 

Grandmother, what big ears you have.  


It was check-out time. This was done with a pad from 1981 that had a mimeographed copy. Also, a trusty calculator to figure out taxes. Oh, I forgot clothes are taxed. I did express my disappointment, but she didn't really care. She added everything up, including the necklace, which literally was an afterthought. My bill was $300. For 2 sweaters that were $69 and a necklace?

"Isn't that necklace $18?" I asked. 

"Oh my no, that's a hand-crafted necklace at $180," I was told

"OK, well, I'll pass on that, sorry." 

"Well, do you think you could make something like that?" The wolf sneered.

Grandmother, what big teeth you have.

She seemed quite put off. Cool it, lady. We got out just in time.

We had time for one last stop. 

The Antique Center of La Crosse

Now we are talking.

It was getting late. So I buzzed through, by-passing by the shelves of china and tiny knick-knacks. My goal is unique, interesting, eclectic, and maybe something I can use for display. And then resell it when I've had all my fun. 

I noticed a staircase and realized there was a second floor, which got me anxious. I needed to hurry. There's still so much to see.

Before going up, out of the corner of my eye, I spy an old cooler in pristine shape. It was a Thermos Foremost Brand in Outdoor Living. 

It was an ugly green color with aluminum handles. A perfect 60's retro find. It was $68.50. I loved it, but there could be something better upstairs …. 

I tried to find mine somewhere online. But only found it in orange.

I took the steps up. 

It was cooler upstairs. I found some stamped aluminum trays and bowls and some kitschy plastic trays. But I kept thinking about that cooler. 

If I didn't get it, I would probably regret it. Sigh. I couldn't decide. 

I needed to get my daughter home, and she didn't get why that cooler was cool beans anyway. 

So I left it behind. 

My cool, cooler. Right where I left it, next to that also very retro folding chair.

And yes, later, that cool cooler kept nagging me. 

Oh well. 

A few days later, my friend Don came in. Remember him? I did a whole blog post about his creative cooking skills. It's a fun read when you get a chance.

Cook Hand Luke Don. Read about him HERE!

I told him about our outing. How my plan was to check out his suggestion of Sapori in Winona. Then complained about how everything was closed. I told him we headed to LaCrosse and knowing he would appreciate the cooler story, told him that. We agreed there's always the one that got away. We laughed about it. There will be more treasures. 

I'm not even kidding. Guess what happens a few days later???

Cool Hand Luke, Don walks into my shop with this green cooler. I was stunned. Is that another cooler? Or was that "my" cooler. 

He now had a tale to tell. He decided to go on a hunt. Don called around the antique shops in LaCrosse (luckily, there are only a few). He asked about a green cooler with aluminum handles. And, sure enough, he located it at The Antique Center!

Actual photo sent to Don confirming this was the FIND! I gave a pretty graphic explanation. Oh! I also thought about that deviled egg dish, LOL.

I was blown away. What a special gesture and a gift that I will cherish FOREVER! No resale price tag going on this treasure! And then the icing on the cake???

Inside the cooler were some bread knots and pastries from Sapori in Winona!! 

My gosh, can life get any better? I was so struck by the generosity and effort put into this whole unexpected tale! I couldn't wait to thank his wife, Steph, who was more than happy to send Don out on this treasure hunt! 

It surely makes for a great story and memory! AND display piece!

My new treasure and my Fathers Day display!

Don and Steph are cool cats and even cooler friends!. 

Steph and Don. I swiped this from FB. But I like how they match each other and the other cooler.

If I ever come across an orange Thermos cooler.


Dive into [a Rabbit Hole]


A Session with my Second Self